Monday, July 30, 2012

Purpose and Thankfulness

  • Thank you for dreams
  • Thank you for the stirring of my soul
  • Thank you for failures
  • Thank you for routine 
  • Thank you for resources
  • Thank you for community 
  • Thank you for love
  • Thank you for hope
  • Thank you for the things that are to come
  • Thank you for the season of waiting

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Home cooked

I don't know at what point I realized I didn't like cooking. I mean, give me a lazy Sunday morning and I will make you a fantastic brunch but somehow the concept of cooking for myself has become less appealing. Perhaps it's because I have gotten used to the abundance of foods in NYC or perhaps I have gotten lazy. Possible explanation. In college, I used to host dinners and make meals for my roommates but for me to boil an egg now seems impossible. Cooking has become work and not an enjoyable task. 
That is why I really appreciate and love home cooked meals. I really admire people who take their time in thinking and preparing a meal. Mr. T. one morning made this amazing brunch with some french bread and apples. He made french toast, sliced some apples over skillet, and added cinnamon. We didn't have any maple syrup but honey worked just as well.  It was perfect. 

Monday, July 16, 2012


Breakneck Ridge. Picture taken by O. 
If you are anything like me, you get caught up in the daily routines, focusing on what is lacking, career goals, and weight issues. It also doesn't help that New York City is filled with people that are driven. This isn't a bad thing, actually I am a fan of having goals and dreams for yourself. But I think there a healthy balance between reaching for your goals and letting it go knowing that you have tried your best at the end of the day.  Past weekend, I went on a rigorous hiking trip with one of my close girlfriend, Liv. It ended up being close to 7 hour hike where I was forced to let go and slow down. It gave me a chance to appreciate simple things in life, such as shades (shades from the trees), flip flops, and water!  
I love the story of Oprah Winfrey and her desire to be part of the movie, Color Purple. She said  
"And the reason it was life changing for me is because in that moment of surrender, I realized that when you've done everything that you can do, when you've given it the best that you know how, you surrender it to that which is greater than yourself."